Surprisingly nice...
24 March 2021
Well, I must admit flat out that this movie was actually better than I had anticipated it would be. Why? Well, given the movie's synopsis, then I wasn't really sold. But still, as it was a movie that I hadn't already seen and given the fact that I had a chance to watch it, I sat down to watch it. Of course I did.

And "Identity Theft of a Cheerleader" was actually an entertaining movie. Sure, it is the type of movie that you will watch once and never again, because the storyline just doesn't have enough solid contents to support more than a single viewing. But for that one time around, it wasn't actually too shabby of a movie.

The storyline was pretty straight forward and easily followed. It was a bit of an absurd storyline, sure, but it was entertaining enough for what it turned out to be. And the characters in the movie were nicely detailed and felt very much at home in the movie's plot.

It should be said that the acting performances in the movie was actually surprisingly good and spot on for a movie such as this. And that was definitely something that carried the movie a great long way. Now, it should also be pointed out that this movie was so enjoyable almost solely because of the performance put on by actress Maiara Walsh and the interesting character she portrayed.

Sure, "Identity Theft of a Cheerleader" is predictable to the core, but it makes for some guilty pleasure viewing that one time around watching it. And I must admit that I was taken aback with the movie, given it turned out to be a lot more entertaining and enjoyable than I had first anticipated. Just goes to prove that you shouldn't judge a movie by its cover.

My rating of this 2019 movie from writer Barbara Kymlicka and director Christie Will Wolf lands on a well-deserved six out of ten stars. If you get the chance to sit down to watch this movie, you should definitely do so.
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