Killer Night Shift (2018 TV Movie)
45 minutes in...I know who the villain is
27 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It gets telegraphed pretty heavy-handedly so there's no twist. First off, the gruff/"mean" nurse was fired for drugs (first clue)....the nice neighbor nurse is pushy...too nice, always around and it's not really clear why she wants to be friends with the protagonist (Tricia) so much. Then the anvil drops...Tricia mentions that "nice nurse" will have a child one day and "nice nurse" gets all reflective w/the typical Lifetime background music and it's honestly a dead giveaway. After that, everything she does is so obviously a put on. Now I will say sometimes I do appreciate when Lifetime doesn't drag out the villain reveal, but as I'm watching it now, I'm dreading whatever idiotic things will happen before Tricia buys a clue.

One thing that annoys me about these nurse/pregnant woman movies, none of the mothers seem as protective or as hyperaware as you'd think given it's their first child. They are always mega trusting with strangers. Tricia doesn't know any of these nurses and even though the crazy one is manipulating her, the fact that she's not 100% aware of the medications she's taking is super dumb to me. She hasn't vetted either of these nurses on her own, yet she's giving Irene (the "mean" one) a hard time (and fires her after some egging by Katy). Katy, on the other hand, is allegedly a home nurse, but is with Tricia 24/7 and doesn't have her own patients? That's not a red flag? I don't think we ever see her doctor again after her emergency. I just don't get the stupidity of it. You would think that looking into one nurse would make her curious about Katy. But...nah. Now the nice and crazy nurse is overstepping by bringing a breast pump....ok, and now Katy has gone off the Lifetime deep end and offed Irene.

Another thing I hate is the missed opportunities during the big fight scenes. Why didn't the husband grab a lamp and knock Crazy Katy out while she was distracted? She should have in no way overpowered him. Why are there always endless syringes? It's so ridiculous.

The "twist," was unexpected, so kudos to Lifetime but it's nearly lost to the movie's cringiest version of Orphan's "I'm not your f-in mommy," moment.

I finished it because past a certain point, I felt I had to, but it's a z level The Hand That Rocks the Cradle.
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