Plandemic (2020– )
The Poster Child for Failing the "Test of Time"
6 May 2021
When Plandemic debuted in early in 2020, the theories and "facts" put forth in this film were shocking, provocative and maybe even believable. So it's understandable that so many people rated it 10/10, purely for the content.

But watching Plandemic a year later, after so many people have died from Covid-19, feels more like watching "Triumph of the Will", after Jesse Owens dominated the 1936 Olympics in Berlin.

Like Triumph, Plandemic put forth a dangerous proposition that's subsequently proven false.

Unlike Triumph, this video foregoes any artistic asperations and goes pure "talking heads."

Still, Plandemic seems to have been successful in convincing a number of people that Covid-19 was a hoax; face masks don't help; Hydroxychloroquine works; and that vaccines are a scam.

And you have to wonder, how many people died because they, or someone they knew, believed the drivel spewed in plandemic?

Final Note: I have to Apologize for comparing the work of Mikki Willis with that of Leni Riefenstahl. She deserves better.

And speaking of conspiracy theories, notice that user reviews awarding Plandemic, a 9 or 10, all get tons of "Helpful" ratings. Seems suspicious to me...
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