Though some younger viewers may mistake . . .
7 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
. . . MUTTS FOR RACING for a cartoon about competing automobiles, in actuality the cars are incidental to this hatchet job comparing two famous Real Life duffers of the late 1900's. One of these old pros is a steady Eddie, called "Droopy" here. Playing hare to Droopy's tortoise is "Butch," a young gun who breaks all the rules (symbolized here by Butch driving his vehicle off the road, taking illegal shortcuts, extra strokes and cheater's drops every chance he gets). Though foul-mouthed Butch may talk a big game, intimidating most of his over-rated contemporaries, his brazen attempt to give the "Sport of Kings" a thuggish makeover fail to faze Droopy. As the decades roll by, Butch's brazen vow to rewrite the record books gain no traction. In fact, his vehicular detours to defy the Laws of Gravity put HIM in traction. Given the chance to be the G. O. A. T. or the goat, Butch settles for the latter fate.
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