Big Shot (2021–2022)
I don't know why a big bald tattooed viking biker would love this, but still I do!
13 May 2021
Right, this is a high school show from Disney... I must be going out of my mind or something!!? But, I don't care. I really enjoy this show. It makes me feel good and it makes me want to do better. Da*n you Disney, what have you done to me?! LOL

It's a really sweet and actually good show. I have seen 4 episodes so far, and I'm waiting for the next one. Some shows and movies just drags you into their world, same goes for this show. I'll give you, school is hard, many bullies and stuff, but it's still nice to be part of something sweeter. Taking a break from life. I know how hard school was, we all do. But instead of showing us how it was, it chose to show us how it can be!

Disney, you sons of bitc*es, you have fooled me into your evil plans once more! For that, you have my respect!

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