Columbo: Negative Reaction (1974)
Season 4, Episode 2
Another great one. Dick Van Dyke made a great villain here. Nun thinking Columbo is a homeless man was hilarious.
1 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Loved the way it started it off with the sound of cutting paper as Paul Galesko is cutting up letters to make the ransom note. His plan was devious and methodical. The best Columbo movies are the methodical murderer ones. Van Dyke is very good here. Usually, he plays a loveable good guy in roles. I didn't watch the Dick Van Dyke Show but guessing at the time this must have come as a pleasant surprise by viewers.

I love that we get to see all the clues as Columbo starts investigating, such as the powder burns on Galesko's pants. Or the drunken man's statement that there was a lag between gunshots. Or checking the dust in the cabin and finding the discarded pictures in the fireplace cluing him in that a perfectionist took the pictures, such as Paul, and not an ex-con. Or the fact that the maid never found the newspaper cuttings, or that the camera was missing for a couple of days, or that the real-estate agent said it seemed like Deschler was making inquiries about the cabin on someone else's behalf. These all became compelling clues to Columbo and for viewers to follow along.

In one of the funniest moments in the episode, a nun thinks Columbo is a homeless man when he comes into the mission shelter to question the drunken witness. OMG, that was so hilarious. Another funny scene is with Columbo and the driving instructor.

Why did Galesko even marry the woman in the first place? It appears to be 3 years marriage. She was constantly putting him down and whining and complaining. He could have just divorced her. Did he want her money? It appears she was rich. Richer than him? I mean he seemed well off too. They never really delved into his motivations and it's just shown as a man getting rid of an annoyance and wanting to get with his younger attractive assistant.

Columbo knows Galesko did it, but he doesn't have that one piece of solid evidence. So again we have another awesome "oh snap" moment when he tricks Galesko into incriminating himself. Well played Columbo, well played. 10/10.
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