What a gigantic mess!
28 June 2021
They just can't make an anime about GODZILLA that isn't a total mess!

After the three tedious animated feature films proposed a few years ago by Netflix itself, this time japanese try again with a series that, at least from my point of view, fails dramatically on almost every front.

Too complicated to be usable by an audience of children, filled as it is with pseudo notions of quantum physics, multiple dimensions, space-time continuum and incomprehensible technobabble (especially since it came to us in the original language with subtitles, impossible to follow even for one used to it, given the inordinate amount of dialogue and the speed of Japanese speech), too childish, however, for adults, with tacky characters worthy of Pokemon and girls and robots (poor Jet Jaguar, now more Boss Borot, with the voice of a child!) which are produced in assorted screams and coaxing.

In a series with the name of GODZILLA in the title one would at least expect to see it, the monster, but no, the titan only appears in the ninth episode (out of 13) and, sorry to say, that's NOT Godzilla!

A horrible look revisited for the occasion, which makes it look like a cross between a whale and a crocodile, with a very long snout, inflated with fangs (there are pointed teeth everywhere, even on the palate!), and two tiny eyes. It also doesn't help that, as all the other kaiju that appear in the series, Godzilla too is realized through a bad CGI that is badly stuck on the classic two-dimensional cartoon, with a questionable result to say the least (special effects were almost better in I-ZENBORG or BORN FREE, shot with mixed media in the Seventies!).

We could overlook the quality of computer graphic or monster design (we are used to seeing Godzilla staged by actors in bulky and very bogus suits, who move around destroying models), however we certainly cannot forgive the creators an incomprehensible plot, full of characters, some of whom have very unclear motivations, who do nothing but talk and talk and talk ...

Another missed opportunity!
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