"What Horrible Creatures Are These, That Suddenly Darken The Skies?!"...
28 June 2021
JAWS OF THE JUNGLE gives the definite impression that it was thrown together in about 5 minutes. At 51 minutes in length, it feels eternal.

Consisting mostly of jungle stock footage, there are the requisite animals, as well as topless native women running around. In fact, so much time is devoted to these women as to make one's mind turn into guacamole!

The alleged "story", about a horde of bloodthirsty vampire bats attacking the hapless villagers, is told in voice-over narration, adding to the utter tedium of it all. For their part, the bats are actually flying foxes (aka: large fruit bats.), that wouldn't hurt a fly, unless it was made of fruit! A fruit fly?

Silly, and mentally pulverizing. Good luck with this one...
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