Disappointing, lack of creativity, logic is seriously flawed
8 July 2021
Resident evil has such a strong game IP but like any other great games, when it comes to movie/tv series adaption is just a big let down. First of all, 10 year old kid could have come out with this drama plot. Such predictable. To matter worse, it certain scenes just makes no sense literally (Especially last episode). Perhaps this is more for those who have yet to expose to RE (resident evil) IP but come on, as a director/producer, you could've done better especially now there are so many films about zombies that has better plot than this. As an asian, am proud to say Japanese are the pioneer and leader in the anime industry but it's regrettable to say they are behind the curve when it comes to developing shows like this (with western culture element). Seriously, i hope the director/producers of this film see this and think hard about it. I understand from a business point of view it will expand the user base by exposing them through this tv series but it won't get any traction if the tv series sucks (basically your ROI is not profitable either, might as well spend that marketing budget for players to buy your games) P. S: I love RE games, but seriously if you want to make tv series or movies about it please do it properly.
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