Fun Little Watch
9 July 2021
Having seen Fear Street Part 1 I did wonder if this one would basically be much of the same, but with a 70's music score. I was pleasantly surprised to find this one was better than Part 1.

There is only so much that you can do in a slasher movie, that hasn't already been done. Normally there is minimal story line, lots of screaming and bloodshed and possibly a single survivor at the end - no spoilers there. This 2nd instalment is set in a 'Summer Camp', so quite reminiscent of Friday the 13th, only this time the addition of the kids makes for more blood spillage.

The thread of story line woven through the trilogy keeps you hooked, as you learn a little more each time. It's also interesting in the way that the story is in reverse, instead of starting at the beginning.

The acting was really quite good, given the ages of those starring. Far better than some I have seen lately where teens have been played by twenty/thirty somethings who are so wooden and stilted they are painful to watch.

My one big gripe is that I know filming at night is supposed to make it more frightening and to build up tension but that fails completely when the audience can't see a thing or barely glimpses what is happening.

If you are into the old 'slasher' type movies you will probably find it entertaining, for younger viewers, expecting the big production CGI horror, it will no doubt be underwhelming.
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