The poorest Resident Evil to date...
16 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I started out liking this. The opening scenes and motion capture were well done. Not outstanding but watchable. I like the way scenes from previously in the series come back with a different perspective later. So I sat down and watched all 4 episodes. Sadly everything about this series makes no sense. I know it is a zombie series but the poor plot and writing really have little to do with the plot. Here are some key ones:

*Secretary of Defense is somehow able to deactivates all of the White House lights and security (and backup generator) while his underling then somehow infects multiple people. Yet the underling (Jason) was with everyone else as far as we know the whole time.

*The sub is sent in supposedly to find evidence. Since the Secretary of Defense didn't know Jason and Shen May were planning on leaving the sub then what was the purpose of the rat bio weapon? Did they think the sub would be captured and the contagion passed on? Once the first rats appeared, it is likely the sub would self-destruct. With all the crew being killed then who set the self-destruct and sent out the mayday?

*How does killing the whole crew make Jason and Shen the good guys in this?

*Since the purpose of this trip to China is to get the chip then surely there would have been a better way to smuggle it out. What if the President hadn't agreed to this activity? What if they picked other agents - like a bunch of Asian agents who speak Mandarin? Couldn't Shen just go home to visit her grandfather?

* We see Jason shot and bleeding out. How did he not die?

*Who blew up Shen's grandfather's house? Leon says Jason but that makes no sense. Why would he do that?

*If Jason was just going to cause fear by transforming and thus didn't need the chip then it makes sense it didn't care if blowing up the building. So why blow up the building in the first place? In fact why go to China at all - just transform at a conference.

*Jason is in China but then in a very short period of time is back in the USA. Equally fast Leon and Shen back in the USA and running through a tunnel. Is there teleportation in this universe? They get from China to America in the time it takes to get Claire from her motel room to her captive room.

*The size of the facility. Where did the Secretary of Defense get the money to build this multi-storied zombie factory? And why is it just under the Andrews Air Force base?

*Although the facility was destroyed, there is tons left. Easy to see what it was designed for. So why is Leon pretending he's going to stop things from happening again? There will be a huge government investigation.

*Why not release the chip? He hates what had happened to Raccoon City so why wouid he hold back the information?

So oddly I did like it even with all the terrible plot conditions.
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