Fun concept, an uneasy watch in all the right ways
20 August 2021
As I was watching 'Be My Cat: A Film for Anne' all I kept wondering was whether Anne Hathaway was actually aware of this movie's existence, and if so, how she felt about it. Because it's a pretty messed up little film. Most found footage films attain a very credible sense of realism, but something about this felt especially so. A messed up guy making a messed up film in order to get Anne Hathaway to star in his movie. That's a concept and a half.

The main actor in this movie Adrian Tofei (also writer/director) was oddly compelling. I couldn't look away even though I very often wanted to. He did a very good job.

Most found footage films tend to be quite slow and uneventful and are ultimately building up to a big pay-off ending. This one is different. Because of its unique structure it has shocking moments spread evenly throughout. 'Be My Cat: A Film for Anne' is a film that will leave you feeling dirty and grimy in all the right ways. This one is worth a look.
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