Hard-working complete amateur achieves absolutely nothing
22 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers

What annoyed me the most about this documentary was right at the start when the amateur investigator said to Pam Hicks that he will not rest until he has found the murderer of her son. Errrrrm ..... yes you will rest before then as you will find out absolutely nothing new, you will not solve a single thing and you will get bored once you have enough material for your pointless documentary. I know this guy really wants to be the one who solves a case when everyone else has failed but he is living in la la land if he thinks he can. Oh no, wait ..... he used to be a fire investigator. That trumps people who are/were police investigators, private detectives etc. Not.

Anyone who haa followed this case already knows its clearly established the vast majority of the boys' injuries were caused by animal predation. Why bother going over that again? The guy who may have been 'the 4th boy' turns out to be completely unreliable and in my opinion an attention-seeking fantasist. So nothing gained there. The fact that DNA testing has massively advanced since the time of the murders is not news. The investigator guy has discovered nothing whatsoever. Why on earth would the DA release the evidence to be tested for DNA because this guy requested it?

It was so painfully skewed towards Terry Hobbs being the guilty party, something the infinitely superior West of Memphis has already done. The ex criminal profiler, good though he was in some parts. Made excruciating leaps and assumptions in trying to point the finger at Hobbs. I can only assume the documentary crew pushed him that way. His evidence would be an embarrassment in court, though that has never stopped American courts before lol. Total tunnel vision/confirmation-bias.

Oh well, I give it a 6 as I am a sucker for this case and I was glad to see something I hadn't seen on it, Contrary to others I quite liked the presenter, seemed a solid guy. He put in a big effort too, so fair play for that aspect.

For die-hard West Memphis 3 obsessives only, anyone else should go straight to the 3 Paradise Losts and West of Memphis.
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