Decent British terror movie with creepy events , intrigue , twists and turns
19 September 2021
This eerie and suspenseful film is developed in an ancient and isolated mansion . A nobleman lord named Richard Fordyke (John Turner) goes back to his manor with his new spouse (Heather Sears) after some time in London , to hear rumors that he had already secretly gone back . He soon hears disquieting reports about the neighbours seeing him running around, chased by a female figure that bears remarkable resemblance to his late first wife . Meanwhile, at his mansion and surroundings have been committed several murders. He will have to confront the mysterious evil force and legacy of horror of his family . Richard Fordyke is caught up by an ominous ghost and becomes inextricably involved in weird killings. Things go awry until a astonishing and surprising finale. Terror Creeps From the Fringe of the Fear to the Pit of Panic. A Creature From the Grave Bears Witness to Murder. What was the deadly power that desired and devoured the women of Fordyke?

This s a good terror film in Hammer Film style with malevolent spectres, family curses and an amazing final surprise . The plot is plain and simple an aristocrrat returns to the family manor with his new sweetheart when bloody events start happening , as he could very well be responsible for some rapes & murders that have occurred . The movie is plenty of grisly killings , tension , terror , genuine screaming , horrible chills and a little bit of blood . The picture packs a creepy atmosphere and strange color by the fine cinematographer Peter Newbrook who subsequently directed the Cult terror : The Asphyx . In addition , a frightening and intriguing musical score by Robert Richards . It is an acceptable British terror film with suspense , plot twists and weird appearances, but little slow-moving , at times . The casting is frankly well , there appears various awesome British actors , such as : John Turner as the suspicious Lord Richard who must ponder the idea that there could be some sort of conspiracy to drive him craziness . Along with his good-natured and beautiful wife well played by Heather Sears . Being well accompanied buy a fine support cast , such as : Peter Arne , Ann Lynn , Francis De Wolff , Norman Bird , Edina Ronay, Raymond Huntley and Patrick Throughton.

The movie was professionally directed by Robert Hatford Davies who often used pseudonym as Michael Burrows , author of some other Horror films and other genres as ¨Corruption¨ (with Peter Cushing) , ¨The Fiend¨ (with Patrick McNee) ,¨The Sandwich Man¨, ¨Ritual¨, ¨The Smashing Bird I Used to Know¨ , ¨Nobody Ordered Love¨, ¨Gonks Go Beat¨, ¨Saturday Night Out¨, ¨Crosstrap¨ and Blaxploitation movies as ¨Black Gunn¨ (with Jim Brown) and ¨ The Take¨ (Billy Dee Williams) . The motion picture will appeal to British horror enthusiasts .
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