Review of Foundation

Foundation (2021– )
High production value, terrible writing
25 September 2021
Anyone that has read the books needs to adjust their expectations when seeing a movie/series. I'm aware of that, but even if I try to see this as something standalone, I find the end result to be disappointing.

Not only does this series butcher Asimov's main ideas, events are also a lot more non-sensical. Oftentimes things happen just to look more cinematic: the trial of a presumed anarchist and enemy of the state is broadcast publicly, something no authority would choose to do. A terrorist attack takes place so easily that you wonder why something like that doesn't happen daily with that level of poor security.

The costumes and sets look good, and the CGI is fantastic, but I'm left feeling that there are no writers anymore in Hollywood that have ever solved an integral in their life. In the end, this show could only have been done well if they could have hired the Futurama writers.

A missed opportunity to adapt something that's even more relevant today than when it was first written.
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