Review of Guilt

Guilt (III) (2020)
Film Message: Don't Take the Law in Your Hands.
2 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Hi there! Saw this and wished to give my pov. Just a 2 cents.

Guilt is a film that is trying to send a message (mixed message in the end), which is don't take the law in your hands. Spoilers ahead. The Story: is a woman (Mrs. Shay, Jesse) that is a psychologist (she was in the Iraq/Afghanistan war and, later; now, making a life in the US, as psychologist, and living alone in an apartment) whom patients consult her and tell her their life/mental problems; which she listens (as psychologist/therapist). Jesse is very calm and 'listening'...she etches doodles in her doodlebook - while patients tell her her their life/misery(s)...the film makes us think (by not showing us what she is writing/the camera angle) that she writing about her patient's/what they tell her about their life...but, in fact, she is not. She is sketching the 'next' person she will target - child molester(s)/pedophiles and basically, very low lifes, whom are 'free' (may or may not have purge their time/sentence for their molesting crime)... thus, we understand that it is Revenge movie/Vendetta movie, or also called, Vigilante (Justice) Movie; the film is called 'Guilt' is self-explanatory. And on the poster, we see Jesse dragging a body bag (one of the molesters - she terminated). Jesse is deciding to be (the saying) 'Judge, Jury and Executioner', as she goes on 'night hunts' (in daytime she is psychologist, at nightime she is vigilante), to hunt the 'bad guys' roaming free and being a threat to the children. Whom, the criminals deserved some punishment; that much is true and obvious. Now, the film is trying to say it is not 'black or white'..there are shades of gray. And that you cannot decide to take the law in your hands - like she does. Because, when looked from the surface - she is doing a good thing, a good deed, removing the people that sexually prey on children...therefore, people should be happy that she is doing the Justice - that justice itself Failed to deliver. As in, the criminals are 'walking free' and 'their punishment was a joke' - in measure compared to their crime. That, they should not be set free/that they are animals - that need to stay in cage/in prison for the rest of their life/days. So as to not be a threat in society anymore (or ever again). Thus, the film is saying : ''What do you do...when the law fails you, fails to give you justice, is unjust and someone walks free and is guilty through their teeth; and the punishment they get is basically a tap on the wrist and 'candy sentence' - and then they are 'set free again' in the open (society), 'to be rehabilitated' in rehab/rehabilitation....that they should be given a 2nd redeem themselves',. Jesse is basiaclly saying/thinking : '' IT's pointless..going to court to have my rights be hand down the correct sentence punishment on these child molesters...that all deserve to die..why waste my time - going to court - it's pointless...these lawyers protect these monsters 'walking free again' and prey on kids...while us citizens live in fear the next door neighbour is one of them, the Law does Not Work...and going to court to 'vote it out/Change It' pointless/does not change anything..they still are on the what is there left to do to Obtain Justice?''. Jesse: ''Me. The Judge, Jury and Executioner - will Obtain/Exact the Exact Justice - that should have been Exacted - because it was not, and we never obtained is, thus, injust/unjust - UNjust Justice System/Corrupt justice system that favors these criminals - over the victims''. Therefore, she feels ''only one thing left to, to do it' she goes on the night rampages and offs everyone of them. Police at a certain point the film 'catch her'...and 'peace things together'...when they find her apartment and see the 'photos of the molesters on the wall' (the next ones to be targeted) - they connect the dots, she is the one doing this (vigilante/vendetta) 'get justice' justice. The fim does a good job in nuancing and saying : ''it's 'slice this'...these peoeple deserve a punishment...but is it ok to go on 'child molester killer sprees'...people would not object all that much - if she can remove the molesters - she is doing everyone a Favor - when the police/justice is Useless against these criminal people''. During the film, there is man that organizes a ''We want justice'' group...and he is saying : ''That molester...fker...needs to be in prison...he roams free on the streets...we never got justice''...Jesse partakes in the group and the police connect the dots when the man says (after police asking him if there was one member that was a bit too overzealous - because the molester is dead): ''Oh...there was this woman she came and she was not from around...''. That's when the police connect the dots and realize that it is her (an out of town vigilante) that is doing this, there are too many aggravating factors to just be coincidences; it'S her. Thus, jesse is Stuck and knows now that she is the one being hunted (even at that point, her secretary stumbles on ehr doodlle book - she is left crying/horrified - the doodle book is full of 'kill y'all - and even a hung molester (grace)'', she thought that Jesse was doing her regular 'psychotherapist' work...about writing of her patients miseries...but no, it'S basically a doodle killbook of child molesters; Jesse runs back to her work and stumbles on her secretaty that 'found out'...and she tells him :''I won't hurt you...'' as she takes her doodle book from her hands. She runs away again to Grace (one of the child molesters she abducted at gunpoint), Grace has been locked, she is the female child molester in this film and the film Makes Us Think she is guilty...but then later, one of the siblings/friend of Grace confesses that is was all the fault of Grace's boyfriend/husband whom trafficked children/molested them. That Grace, herself, was a 'victim' of her boyfriend's 'stronghold', Grace repeatedly tells Jesse that she is innocent and was Scared that her bf would kill her - if she did not comply with him. But Jesse does not buy it and tortures her and straps her on a chair. That's at that point that Jesse realizes her vigilanteism went too far and she si wrong - Grace Is innocent (after the confession from the other related guy who said he lied about his testifying in court); same thing, in the film for an old man (a flashback where Jesse shoots dead an old man who is unfailry accused of child molester...She regrets her error later when found out later He Is Innocent..that makes you realize can't take law in hands, ->a mistake, some people Are Innocent; worse justice, is->Wrongfully Accused.
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