Review of Kid 90

Kid 90 (2021)
Changed my '6' to a '10' after watching again...
14 October 2021
The first time I watched this documentary I had no clue what to expect. I just wanted to fill my flight time with something entertaining. I graduated high school in 1991 and I recognized most of the actors in this film. So I figured I'd check it out.

I didn't expect that I would be impacted for days afterwards. It left a dark, heavy sadness in my gut. I couldn't describe exactly why I was feeling that. I just knew it was dark and heavy.

Later that day I read through the comments hoping to read something that would help me identify what I was feeling. Comment after comment was blaming, accusing and criticizing Soleil. People claiming she's selfish, self absorbed and bragging. There were many positive comments as well. But since the feeling I was left with felt more negative, I related to the negative comments at first.

Eventually I just had to move on, feeling like this "entertainment" was consuming way too much of my time and mental energy. I forced myself to stop thinking about it and move on. But it didn't take long before my brain started processing it again. It was a couple of days later and time for my flight home. I decided to watch it again. This time I saw it differently. This time it wasn't entertainment. It was a young lady baring her soul! The "why" and the "how" became less important to me. The exclusivity of something this special was amazing! I don't even know if it's art at this point. Maybe moving into the realm of therapy?.. I don't know... of course it's art! I don't want to minimize that. But this level of intense transparency is rare.

There isn't a person on earth that could open up like this and look like a saint. I don't know why Soleil made this. I don't care if she lives up to anyone's moral standards. I just want to congratulate and thank her for a job well done!

Soleil - You made a masterpiece that impacted me and will impact many others. I have no doubt about this! You made some powerful art! It was enough to dislodge me from my daily routine. I can't imagine a better metric of successful for a documentary. You captured days of my attention. Reflecting now, I know that dark and heavy feeling was the impact of your transparent sincerity! The intense life lessons that can be gleaned through this film are priceless. Living on the bleeding edge of popularity and passion is not common. This film cost so much more than time and money. You spent the equity of your lifetime experiences to make it. You were vulnerable. You put yourself out there for others to tear apart. Kudos to you! Of course there's a very positive side to this as well. I can see that you learned from your past. I can only imagine how that gets passed on to your children. I hope you get a return on your investment that is so much more than a check. You deserve it! Thank you!
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