Surprisingly fun horror film
1 November 2021
I'm gonna keep this short.... If you are a fan of the franchise you are likely to enjoy this. No, as far as I'm aware it has no connection to the others but it does have a similar story and tone. And let's be honest if this didn't have PA in the title, people say it was a rip off.... I really enjoyed this entry to the series! As well as being pretty faithful to the tone of the others it always has a few elements to at I thought were pretty cool, like the slow mo cam. I understand these films aren't for everyone so please, if you're not a fan don't watch it just so you can slate it. If you are a fan I would recommend it. Also, I should mentionnas a fan, I thought The Ghost dimension was awful, along with number 4.... This one is much better, don't listen to anyone who says it's the worwt one yet becausr it genuinely isn't.
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