Water Lilies (2007)
French Lesbian Coming of Age
5 November 2021
I... So I kept seeing people edit this move on instagram and be like, "This movie is good." So I found it, and watched it with no subtitles because the version I used was on Youtube.

I think that this movie would have been better if it wasn't just a cycle, and if it moved faster. I was dissatisfied with the same cycle of Marie getting jealous, and then like TRYING to reveal her feelings. Plus, the "chubby" girls story line could've been MUCH for detailed and interesting, instead of disappointing, (SHE JUST SPIT ON HIM?) Marie's character was annoying to a point, but I think the film really nailed down that "Pubescent Tween" kinda thing!

Oh!-and the cinematography was mildly UNentertaining, all those side shots?

The things I did like about it... hmm, the color scheme was pretty cool, the character development was AMAZING (kinda), and the storyline was okay-ish.

I give a 5/10.
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