Gomer Pyle: USMC: Gomer the Recruiter (1967)
Season 3, Episode 16
Recruting In Hollywood
10 November 2021
This is one of my favorite Gomer Pyle, USMC episodes. It takes place not at the Marine base, but in the great mystical town of Hollywood. Anyone familiar with this series knows that Sgt. Carter has a deep fascination with Hollywood and the movie business in general. The Marines need more recruits and they send Sgt. Carter there to find some willing recruits. Everything is going great until you-know-who shows up. That's right, Gomer Pyle. Sgt. Carter is not happy. He demands to know why Gomer is in Hollywood. Gomer explains that while he was in Oceanside watching a steamroller fix a road he got bored and decided to visit his sergeant, so he hopped a bus to Hollywood. Sgt. Carter says that Gomer should go to the Hollywood Wax Museum and "talk to the dummies" instead of hanging around and annoying his sergeant.

I don't want to give too much away, but when Sgt. Carter has to go take care of something urgent he reluctantly has Gomer take over the recruiting stand. Things go bad from there, all of it very funny.

Watch for a brief appearance by Rob Reiner.
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