Cowboy Bebop (2021)
more like 7, but 1 point for effort
19 November 2021
I'm not a crazy fanboy of Cowboy Bebop, never got the fuss about it. It was a nice anime and I rewatched it recently, but I've watched better shows than it.

So, from someone who thinks the anime was ok, not the untouchable masterpiece diehards think it is, all I can say is the live adaptation was decent. It screws up from time to time with some important details, they modified the stories when they didn't need to, they left out characters probably for their introduction in a second season...

BUT. It's still a nice homage to the original and if you pay close attention you'll get some nice scene recreations, like the shadows when Spike fights Pierrot. Small details here and there which take you back and give you an idea of how much love they put into the live adaptation.

They recreated the world as close as possible to the anime and I for one am satisfied with it. CGI wise, I've seen some cave trolls complaining, but I doubt they themselves could draw a simple straight line, it's by no means bad, especially for a tv series. The acting was ok, characters on point for the most part, dialogue ....well, not much better than the anime ( again, I've watched it and the lines in the anime are not so earth shatteringly amazing either ). I think that, since they can create their own stories from this point onwards, a second season will give them the chance to bring us closer to the characters, give them a broader background and improve the connection between them.

It's not a step-by-step recreation of the original and I see how that might anger some people, I for one expected a continuation to be honest, but it's seriously not as bad as the crazy people make it out to be. If you never seen the anime, it's also a good standalone sci-fi show, so if you like that genre, you should watch it.

But would I watch a second season ? Yep, since I always wanted more Cowboy Bebop, so this should satisfy that. Does it deserve a second season ? Yep, since I feel that they showed love to the original material and think they would do a good job moving forward.

In conclusion, it's a good show. Watch it.
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