Review of Rev

Rev (2020)
Tries hard, does pretty well in the end. Nothing to do with cars really.
27 November 2021
The longer it goes the less like the Fast and the Fabulous it becomes. First of all the cops. The chick cop is just an awful character played by an awful actress. There's various characters with Sammy being utterly pathetic in all ways. I hate the cops in this movie. I hate the entire premise that he happens to steal a car that a cop owns. Lets look at that for a minute. An original 1965 Cobra isn't going to be in some tokens possession whereby it is inherited by the token son. That car is too rare and it's just not going to happen. Also, the car hasn't moved for two weeks and the top is down outside the front of the garage in some crappy neighborhood a cop can afford? That car is long gone and nobody needed the keys to steal it. No! The car would be inside the garage. Are they trying to suggest the cops have the forethought to plan for it to be taken. Anyway, moving on. This chick happens to be the greatest ever drift driver and the old guy lets her drive his car? Hahahaha that's laughable and insane. In the final act the kid suddenly gets all Oceans 11 and there is some heist planning. Then oh no the token bad guy knows you're an "agent". So this last act just gets more and more out of hand. I guess it's some sort of climax which is good, because a film really should build and up until this point it really never did. Now there are some cops coming in all shooty shooty in a bar. Realistic stuff right? Hahahaha. Now token takes a hostage, the drift chick. Cops shoot the token in the head. OH now it's more of the pathetic cop chick. He "eXcaped" she said, hahahahaa. English much b? Stupid token. Charlie and drfit chick escape in the Police car, nice touch. That was worth an extra star.
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