Beebo Saves Christmas (2021 TV Special)
Beebo Loves This Christmas Special...........
5 December 2021
I Literally have Nothing Negative to say for Once. Hay It's Christmas, I Guess. About this or any Review. To start off I have to Admit I wasn't expecting to Laugh and Smiled and Enjoyed it as much as I did, but wow I really Enjoyed it so much so I'm hoping that it would Come out to Physical Media, for the Current Seasons of the Current CW Arrowvers, as a 'Bonus Episode' or whatever on the Final Disc of that Show. Especially With this Current Season Of DC's Legend's Of Tomorrow since that is where the Character of Beebo Debut so I could start making it a Annual Christmas Tradition. Anyways moving on Loved the Animation Style it really felt like the animation style the Characters in the CW Arrowverse would have watched when they were all kids. To be Honest I thought that is the only thing that would brothered me but Surprisingly it wasn't in fact as I have said I Loved it. Then there is the Message of Not Only Consumerism but also the Message of Not Everyone Celebrates The Holidays the Exact Same Way so Celebrate it your own way around the Holidays. I Think that was my Most Favorite Parts the Messages. Also Loved all of Pop Culture References, and I think have all of the Characters be so likable also sort of helped with my enjoyment of it including the Big Bad 'Sprinkles'. They could have Easily made these Characters so Unlikable by how all of their personalities are written aside from Beebo, but they didn't instead quit the opposite for me. And Finally I Think It was Great that they made it in to a Musical or at least a Part Musical. And of course it goes with out saying the Humor in it was Great as well, it's not too childish and at the same time it's not to mature that this Holiday Special is a Big No, No for the Younger Audience, I felt the Humor was at that Perfect Sweet Spot.
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