A Gypsy Tribe Hiding a Horrific Secret
21 December 2021
This film essentially begins in New Orleans at the Latour Museum which specializes on the occult with an emphasis on pictures, documents and other artifacts related to subjects like vampirism, voodoo and other related matters. Of particular interest to the director of the museum is a case of lycanthropy which he has traced to a local gypsy tribe and is set to publish a detailed manuscript on in the near future. Fearing how this news might affect them the leader of this tribe, "Princess Celeste" (Nina Foch) decides to pay the director a visit-and silence him permanently. Needless to say, the murder sets off an immediate investigation by the police and helping them is the director's son "Bob Morris" (Stephen Crane) and the director's lovely assistant "Elsa Chauvet" (Osa Massen) who has a keen awareness of werewolves from her days growing up in Transylvania. What neither Bob nor Elsa realize, however, is just how powerful Princess Celeste happens to be and the closer they get to uncovering the secrets of her tribe the more deadly she will become. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that, considering the time this film was produced, this turned out to be an okay movie for the most part. That said, I must admit that I didn't care for the manner in which Princess Celeste was able to turn into a werewolf at will and without regard for the full moon. But even so, the film kept my interest for the most part and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Average.
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