Jimmy Carr: His Dark Material (2021 TV Special)
Jokes You Shouldn't Laugh At...But You Do
31 December 2021
OMG! He Makes Fun Of Stuff!

He makes fun of people!

He made fun of my wife! At least three times!

When I could no longer hold my laughter I went into the kitchen and put my hand into the garbage disposal.

Now he's making fun of me! My wife got up and headed for the kitchen?

Darn it. Another item for my bucket list; thanks Jimmy. #403-finish internet porn.

He's making fun of himself! Thank God. My wife's bleeding pretty badly. Off to the hospital.

I'm back.

Poor Charlie.

Poor facebook.

Porn for straight men.

Was that even a finger?

My wife had to explain the vegetables joke to me. I'm not kidding.
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