Fear Pharm (2020)
1 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Like a lot of films like this one, it looked good DVD Cover wise! The film itself...! Well... that's another story!

The film follows 4 teens who go off to a Haunted VIP Corn-Field to which they'll win £10,000 if one of them makes it though in under 2 hours! However, the Scare Actors aren't all what they seem & it is then hell starts to break loose & it's a fight for survival!

I found the film to be poor! At 1 hour & 17 minutes, this poor attempt at Texas Chainsaw Massacre & Rob Zombie Films alike, is bad & has a pretty dumb story-line that's paper thin & not even plausible!

The film was too wacky to take seriously & I felt that the premise wasn't natural & parody like! I felt the sexism against the men was just not on & I didn't care for the whiny snipes either "WhY dOn'T mEn EvEr LiStEn!?" or "WhY dO mEn AlWaYs MaKe Me RePeAt MySeLf!?" or even better "JuSt BeCaUsE a WoMaN iS sTrOnG, dOeSn'T mAkE hEr A lEsBiAn!", sheesh, we could've done without that crap! But it's a 2020 film so what do you expect...! *Rolls Eyes*

Aside from that annoying whiny character & the tame deaths, there was some good eye candy to be had here & some of the villains did look creepy & reminiscent of other slashers!

The ending was dumb though & the film itself was just overall not even great!

Overall, don't waste your time with this one! It's not worth it! 3/10.
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