The Conjuring (2013)
James Wan Defies Conventional Wisdom Regarding Horror Films
10 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you told someone that you were going to make a horror film, but you also told them that it would be a horror film that has...

  • Not only no "f" words, but would have only mild profanity throughout
  • No sex scenes
  • No nudity
  • Very little gore
  • And no kills

...most people would tell you that, not only are you nuts, but you also should prepare for massive disappointment from a lack of interest by most production companies. However, even if you found a production company willing to make the film, there would probably be a massive rejection by most horror film fans who have come to expect a lot of bare skin, blood, and guts with their scares. I remember when I first heard about James Wan directing a film that would be called The Conjuring. I assumed that Wan was going to make another version of the "Saw" film. However, Wan proved everyone wrong. TC was a film that defied conventional wisdom when it comes to the horror genre of the last 30 years, or so. Indeed, TC was a horror film that met all of the criteria mentioned in the list lacked strong profanity, it lacked gore, and so on, and so forth. And yet it still scared the living crap out of most people who saw it. It was a terrifying film that earned it's "R" rating based on scares alone. Let me say that again. The Conjuring earned an "R" rating because it was scary. And, as far as I'm concerned, it's one of the scariest films ever made...easily in my top 5 most terrifying horror films. And what's most unique about TC, is that surrounding those scares is a character driven story, that (and yes, I know this is going to sound a bit crazy) actually has a few touching and heartwarming moments as well. Wan has constructed a film here that has many layers to it, and yet he never forgets that at its heart, it is a horror movie. So, if you've not seen TC, and if you want substance with your thrills and chills, then you need to see this film.

P. S. This update is to address an asinine comment by delle-good (something like that). It's people like delle-good who make comment or review sections a pain in the ass sometimes. Delle-good feels like he or she has to belittle other people who have a different opinion. Hey Delle-good...there are A LOT of people who have reviewed The Conjuring and think it's one of the scariest horror films ever. A LOT. You have your opinion and we have ours. You don't get to determine what others think or how they feel. You like heriditary...that's fine. A lot of people liked that film too. So here's what I won't do. I won't belittle you by telling you that hereditary is just a movie that pretends to be high-art, but is so ridiculously idiotic at the end, it's a wonder anyone would ever think that it belongs in the horror genre. I guess it could be a comedy. But comedies are supposed to be funny on purpose. Anyone who thinks Hereditary is scary must be easily know...someone who likes to be seen as cultured and intelligent but has to belittle others and their opinions by insulting them. That's how small-minded people make themselves feel better.
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