The Sequel to "El Vampiro Sangriento"
12 February 2022
This film essentially begins where its predecessor "El Vampiro Sangriento" left off with the vampire known as "Count Frankenhausen" (Carlos Agosti) relocating to a remote part of Mexico with the intention of creating enough vampires to enable him to control the entire human race. Wise to this, his main nemesis from the last film "Count Valsamo de Cagliostro" (Antonio Raxel) has sent one of his students named "Dr. Ulises Albarran" (Rafael del Rio) in search of him and eventually takes up residence in a small town which has been plagued recently by numerous deaths with the most recent being the young son of the local mayor "Don Maximo" (David Reynoso). Yet, even though the villagers are willing to do whatever he asks of them, he encounter great resistance from the local priest "Padre Victor" (Enrique Garcia Alvarez) who considers talk of vampires to be heresy. Even worse is the reaction from "Frau Hildegarda" (Bertha Moss) who is acting in the capacity of the house madam for his main benefactor "Marqués Gonzalo Guzmán de la Serna" (Tito Junco) who does everything in her power to thwart any action against Count Frankenhausen. Now, rather than reveal any more I will just say that, while this wasn't necessarily a bad vampire movie, there were a couple of noticeable faults which definitely affected the film as a whole. For starters, although its predecessor had English subtitles, this particular film used rather poor-quality English dubbing which clearly diminished the overall effect. Of course, since this was a Mexican film intended for a Spanish-speaking audience, then I suppose I have no right to complain. Likewise, perhaps there are other versions of this film that use the same high-quality English subtitles as in its predecessor. Be that as it may, the other noticeable flaw involved the object used to resemble a flying bat which looked more like a fluffy bunny rabbit instead. Needless to say, this totally ruined the effect they were trying to achieve. In any case, while I don't consider this to be a bad vampire film by any means, I didn't think it was quite as good as the one before it and I have rated it accordingly.
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