A nice homage to movie palaces.
18 February 2022
"Going Attractions" is a documentary celebrating the great old movie palaces of yesterday...mostly built in the 1920s-40s. Unlike a typical theater, these places were HUGE and FANCY...far, far nicer than the nicest modern movie theaters. But, over the years, these places have mostly been torn down and this movie explains why as well as provides hope that some of them might be preserved.

I enjoyed this film but am sure many viewers will think of an old movie palace near them that is never mentioned in the documentary (such as the Tampa Theater near me or Grauman's Egyptian Theater). Additionally, occasionally some of the details are off...such as talking about films by the famous Lumière Brothers while showing a film of Georges Méliès. Another minor detail is talking about how theaters resorted to giveaways to get folks into the place...something which actually was practiced in previous decades. Still, these quibbles are minor and the show features some lovely archtitecture and history.
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