Maybe viewers with a deeper connection to religion and how the American "church system" works will find it more entertaining...
21 February 2022
If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free thoughts, please follow my blog to read my full review :)

"Honk For Jesus. Save Your Soul carries tremendous potential as a religious satire, but besides Regina Hall and Sterling K. Brown's dedicated performances, it's hard to find other enjoyable components.

Except for two admittedly hilarious sequences, the vast majority of jokes and references about religion and the church don't land at all. The bland dramatic storyline takes itself way too seriously, negatively affecting the balance between the different types of narrative.

The idea behind the distinct aspect ratios makes sense on paper, but its repetitive, constantly switching execution becomes more frustrating than anything else.

Maybe viewers with a deeper connection to religion and how the American "church system" works will find it more entertaining..."

Rating: D+
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