Review of La Brea

La Brea (2021–2024)
It won me over
22 February 2022
I thought it was interesting initially. I'm familiar with mid-town LA and thought it was especially fun to see it at the center of things. But after it got going, I found it really annoying. I don't care that it's utter nonsense, I'm willing to suspend disbelief for this type of subject. The problem is that most of the characters are truly awful - not only wafer-thin - but actually grating. While I like science fiction, and normally it does not feature Shakespearian levels of character depth, they can't just be "The annoying talkative guy," "The thuggish guy," "The religious nut," "The moody teen(s)" etc. Etc. And while I'm willing to suspend disbelief about the whole story line, the things that didn't make sense at all - such as the degree to which people could recover from deadly injuries and can go on as if nothing happened - kept making "looking the other way" more of a challenge. I endured, though, as the underlying science fiction story is actually an interesting one. So by the time I reached episode 10 I was enjoying it - I never got the the point where I cared about what would happen to any of the characters, but at least I'd become used to the "talkative guy" etc. And I could more easily suspend disbelief at utterly nonsensical things, etc. I don't think it merits any awards for writing or acting, but by the end I found it to be just plain "dumb fun" and am looking forward to the second season.
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