Review of Uncharted

Uncharted (2022)
A very fun, BUT Generic movie
24 February 2022
I am a huge PlayStation/Sony fan. I have played ALL 4 Uncharted games because of the story gameplay etc. And Yes, I have played games such as God of War (My personal favorite), BioShock, Ratchet and Clank, Jax and Dexter, Infamous, Sly Cooper, Heavenly Sword, Metal Gear Solid Tekken, Little Big Planet, Killzone, Ghost of Tsushima, and yes, Uncharted. SO I am, in fact, a Playstation fan and played all of the games owned by Playstation. So when hearing about Uncharted getting a movie, I was pretty stoked on the idea. Although uncharted was a movie I wouldn't mind seeing on the big screen, and it's a prequel to the games, I didn't mind personally if Tom Holland and Mark Walhberg were the stars, but in this case, it did because they weren't anywhere near as memorable in the film for me. They weren't Nathan Drake and Victor Sullivan, but Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg trying to be these icons I know and love. However, the fun of this movie kept me watching. And yes, I get it, it doesn't do the games any serves, but I am now just saying it's a film mixed with Indiana Jones and Pirates Of The Caribbean. I accepted later on in the film that it was just a fun action movie but a generic one for sure. Ruben Fleischer had fun with it along with Tom Holland and Mark Walhberg, and they delivered a fun ride from start to finish. Like I would say sometimes, I liked it; I just wished I loved it. 7/10.
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