The Car: Road to Revenge
25 February 2022
An evil being takes control of a large black vehicle in 'The Car: Road to Revenge', an unrelated sequel to a cult classic 1970's thriller.

The film begins with us meeting an unscrupolus district attorney named Caddock. He works in a city overtaken by a group of cyberpunk criminals determined to cause havoc. They attack him in his office, and throw him out the window of his high-rise office tower straight onto his beloved car. After his murder caused by the criminals, the car he landed on seems to take on a life of it's own. It comes alive and kills a mechanic, and then it kills a few other people that get in its way. It'll be up to a detective named Rainer to discover the sinister truth of The Car and why it's stalking people who wronged District Attorney Caddock.

I was disappointed that 'The Car: Road to Revenge' was not a direct sequel to the 1977 classic that i quite enjoyed. Outside of one cast member returning in an unrelated role, there was no connect to the original film. This brought the mark down a lot for me when I rated the film. I don't understand why they would make a "sequel" 42 years later and not include the original story arc, very disappointing.

The acting wasn't bad, but with such an average story and script, they didn't have much to work with. None of them stood out for me. What made 'The Car' such an effective film for me was how effective the director made that vehicle a villain. In this unrelated sequel, the car is not frightening or overly present. It's an afterthought to the storyline. The dangerous cyberpunk criminals are more present than the car which is not good for a horror film trying to promote a killer vehicle.

Overall, 'The Car: Road to Revenge' was a subpar thriller that wouldn't hold it's own even if it didn't snatch "The Car" title drawing fan of the original in. The acting was fine, but the story itself didn't interest me that much. It didn't keep my interest and the plot was way to all over the place for me to keep track of what was going on.

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