Laverne & Shirley: The Defiant One (1981)
Season 7, Episode 5
So bad
27 February 2022
This episode is so bad, idiotic and absurd. It opens with what appears to be a drugged out Laverne on a park bench getting tossed around like a rag doll by a man and never wakes up. She's knocked onto the floor from the bench, rolled over the back of the bench, thrown at a mailbox and propped up on it and she never wakes up?! Bizarre.

Shirley eventually walks by and says "Hello, Sailor!", and suddenly Laverne is conscious again and heads back to work like nothing happened. After this scene you wonder if she's high out of her mind on was the 60's after all.

After Laverne leaves, it's all Shirley for the rest of the show in a situation so bizarre, unrealistic and absurd I won't even justify it with an explanation. I have to say it's got to be the dumbest episode of the entire series.

This was the height of all the backstage drama goings on with the two stars and it shows. Penny Marshall is only in scenes a couple of minutes at the start and end of it.

These gals must've hated each other at this point and couldn't even work together more than a few minutes at a time. It's sad that their personal dramas affected the show like this.

Again there's no Lenny and Squiggy. This is 3 episodes in a row now. Boy would I have liked to have been a fly on the wall during rehearsals during this time. I'm sure all that was much better than the show itself.

On a side note, it's no surprise to see Bull from Night Court acted just as bad as he did during his own show. Yikes!
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