The Golden Girls: Blanche's Little Girl (1988)
Season 3, Episode 14
Sophia is way too mean
2 March 2022
The point that this episode was trying to make would've worked just as well had it only been the lousy guy who Rebecca was dating hurling the insults. Adding Sophia to spew the same insults was unnecessary and just made her look mean.

I think it's also out of character for Sophia to be so outright insulting towards Blanche's daughter the way she was because she's been shown to be a protective mother to her own children, and I believe she would also be just as protecting and respectful to the other girl's children too.

Yet from the moment she opens the front door to greet Blanche's daughter she hurls fat jokes right in front of the woman's face. It's shocking and makes you cringe at how mean and disrespectful she's being to not only someone she's just met, but to Blanche's own daughter.

And it's odd that later on in the episode she sits in the kitchen with the girls agreeing what a jerk the boyfriend is to be so insulting to Rebecca when she was doing it herself and within only 2 seconds of meeting the poor girl. She's such a hypocrite here.

Blanche is an incredibly vain character, so having her daughter arrive after 4 years and be surprisingly overweight is a good story to do where we can see Blanche overcome her shallow vanity and accept Rebecca the way she is.

It just didn't need so many fat jokes to get there. We can already see she's overweight so I believe that could have spoken for itself without all the hurtful insults written intended to get laughs. And none of them were even remotely funny.

There's not even a good St. Olaf story from Rose to save this episode because Dorothy has reached her limit with them and cuts her off before she could say helderberlderflergen-nursurblrgen. I can't think of any other GG episode I would give 1 star to, but this one deserves it.
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