Impeachment=Guilty Pleasure
2 March 2022
All well acted. Very entertaining. Must remember that the "facts" are novelized and subject to bias and invention aka literary license to communicate whatever message or slant is wanted. As expected, Tripp is pretty much blamed for orchestrating the entire series of events that led to impeachment like a Svengali. Big stretch. No blame on Clinton nor on Monica. Yet, what brought the legal system down on Clinton's head was his perjury, obstruction of justice, and failure to pay taxes. All he ever had to do was own-up and take the arrows like a man. He would have survived just fine. SCOTUS UNANIMOUSLY 9-0 stated he could be sued by Paul Jones and the ball became a speeding train. Tripp had nothing to do with the Jones case nor with the SCOTUS decision, but the story piled on Tripp. Writers made sure everyone hated her by the end.

Much was left out. Bill lied to his Sec of State and Cabinet who then went out in front of the press and said he was innocent. Vernon Jordan was furious at Clinton for sending him this hot potato (Monica) without warning of what was barreling down the pipeline. Hillary was too unbelievably sympathetic. Too much time wasted trying to convince us of Bill's deep never ending love for Hillary. Do we really believe she fell for his smarm? No, in real life her ambition drove her not Bill's abiding love nor his appeal for her help. Not covered was how Bill and Monica worked hard to get Tripp to lie which would get her prison time. They were just fine throwing her under the bus. Tripp saved Monica from that fate. EVERYONE knew Clinton was doing Monica and it was all coming out anyway. Tripp saved herself and Monica from the Clinton machine of utter destruction. Monica should be grateful.

Monica was also way too sympathetic, too naive. Did she have no clue that flashing a known leche and married man was asking for disaster? Oh, her troubled life blah blah. As long as the show covered so much of their sex life, why leave out that Monica introduced Clinton to phone sex and gifted him a book on it--so she claims? Real Monica is a producer on the series. I'm betting she was portrayed in a manner pleasing to her to secure her show involvement. There was certainly plenty of her pathetic endless whining about her sorry and tragic life which pretty much sums up Monica's lifelong manipulation of others.

As for the actual impeachment, I'd like to have seen something on each charge and conviction, the legal stuff. And how did Clinton's coaching of his secretary Betty to lie pan out? A couple details, please.

Actress for Monica didn't look enough like her. Monica is gorgeous and voluptuous and still is. Actress was adequately attractive but really too heavy. HUGE bosom was emphasized to almost a deformity. Actress did do a terrific job in the role written for her. In real life, these infamous mistresses often have an epiphany and redeem themselves. Monica has not. She continues as expert whiney victim. And now she got to play that out for millions in this series.

If you have the Starr Report and followed the true history in real time, you can catch much misinformation and slant. That actually makes it easier to enjoy the series. I binged watched and got a kick out of it. Thus my 8 stars. Not for total accuracy but for entertainment.
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