The Batman (2022)
Vengeance is served.
4 March 2022
Vengeance. Is a word that is used a fair few times in The Batman, but then that is the caped-crusader's whole way of life - to seek vengeance and punch his way through justice in the streets of Gotham. And in director Matt Reeves latest that is no exception, The Batman is a well made, well shot super noir bat-flick that's quite unexpected upon first viewing given it's darker story and a version of the masked vigilante that's so dark and gritty that it will give the previous Batmen a run for their money. Robert Pattinson is exceptional as both Bruce Wayne and the man in black, he delivers a gritty performance in an even grittier film, that's full of action and shocks especially when he faces against his cleverest arch nemeses The Riddler here played by a terrifying Paul Dano - a role which he was born to do.

Of course The Batman isn't just about the action, it works really well as a stunningly contemporary yet also old fashioned crime thriller but then that's what makes a good Batman film is if we can see him solving crimes, and Reeves isn't afraid to get his audience in for the ride. Though coming at a whopping 176 minutes don't worry about it feeling too long there's plenty enough going on, there's action and explosions, it will get you thinking, give you shocks and thrills. That time goes by in a flash. It's also quite an emotional story, beneath the bat ears, he's all granite but off duty his story is a tragic one, farther from the usual comic book malarkey, his is a story of pure tragedy, he hurts and that's ok because beneath all that bat facade he's all human. As are the other characters and thanks to excellent casting, the performances shine through that in pure colour. And just because the film is grim and dark doesn't mean the film doesn't deliver, in fact it does and it's a thrillingly bleak adventure. That's by far the caped crusader's bleakest and most thrillingly ambitious live action outing yet. And is worth the watch. 5/5.
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