F@ck This Job (2021)
Raining on Putin's gerontocratic pity party.
7 March 2022
Who'd imagine that in the 21st century, a desperate old man with a narcissistic personality disorder could find himself in charge of a vast nation state, it's military apparatus, all of its communications and media channels, and a nuclear arsenal to boot.

It almost happened with his useful idiot, Trump, but even he couldn't destroy the free press in the US , despite his best efforts. Putin, and his cronies, tolerate no dissent, or even a hint of freedom of expression, even from minor media players who wish to report anything but the party line.

More fool the true believers in the cult of Putin, because they've been drinking the Cool Aid for twenty years.

Just follow the money, if you want to find the Black Sea palaces and their actual beneficial owners.
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