Too Long, And Too Much Anna Chlumsky
7 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First, I want to say that Anna Chlumsky is a good actress. At times, she gives a pretty admirable performance in Netflix's "Inventing Anna." But she starts to wear out her welcome in the latter part of the series. As does the title character as played by Julia Garner. Like Chlumsky, Garner is all-in on her performance. However, she is playing a character whose real life counterpart is one of the most unlikable, annoying, manipulative, and vindictive people on the face of this planet. And, apparently, the real-life Anna has not learned one single thing from her experience in prison. When she was released from prison a little over a year ago, she immediately went back to her deceptions and narcissistic ways. Demanding Fortress give her $720 million dollars. She stayed in one of the most expensive hotels in New York, and started buying clothes from the most expensive stores. How? With the money she was given for interviews and such. After a month, she was taken into custody for violating her Visa, and not going back to Germany by the time she was supposed to. Why did she do that? All she said was that it wasn't her fault. She also said she will clear her name because she never knowingly conned anyone. And that, along with this mini-series' painful run time, uneven performances by Garner and Chlumsky (who looks like she has continuous constipation while overacting at times), and the fact that the show tries to turn Anna into some kind of anti-hero, has minimized my interest in the story, and has made it difficult for me to recommend to anyone. But, that's just my opinion.
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