Review of Super Fly

Super Fly (1972)
1972 film-a-thon
12 March 2022
Ron oneal is priest, a drug dealer. He wants out, but the big shots up top don't believe in early retirement. It's the story of priest trying to raise the cash to sell one last batch so he can get out completely. Co-stars carl lee, who died at 59 from drug use, and sheila frazier. Lots of use of the N word, which was all the rage at the time. Female nudity. Keep an eye out for sig shore as the commissioner. He's also the producer of the film. And directed the sequel. Probably the best part of this film is the music by curtis mayfield. Directed by gordon parks. Had also made three the hard way. Died in a plane crash at 44. Written by phillip fenty. The trivia tells us this was one of the few films financed and filmed by a non-caucasian camera crew.
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