Review of The Batman

The Batman (2022)
To me this has got to be the BEST Batman movie ever!
15 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Batman was the movie I was always anticipating for 2022. Matt Reeves was directing the film, and I could not be any happier for that result; when HE got full creative control, I was fully in the movie, and there was no way this movie would fail. And after seeing the film twice. It is a masterpiece and, to me, is the best Batman movie, better than The Dark Knight. This film was good, and I can't even explain how well made and craft is so well done, and it beats most of the MCU and DCU films by a landslide. Everything I wanted from The Batman was all here thanks to the man himself, Matt Reeves. He directed this film with a passion, and it shows. Along with a PG-13 movie that pushed the limits of it, I adore this film for doing that.

The cons: I wish there were more Alfred and Bruce in the film; I want more of that time we get to spend time with them together. I wanted more Bruce Wayne and his normal life and how he is so cold to the outside world. And that's it.

Pros: Everything else. Robert Pattinson was BATMAN. I didn't see an actor acting like Bruce Wayne/Batman; I saw Batman/Bruce Wayne. He plays Batman almost 80% of the entire film but brilliantly uses his detective role, one of the huge pluses in the film; it's a detective movie from Batman, and it's perfect. Everything the film does is perfect for Batman because, in this film, he isn't Bruce Wayne, he is Batman, and that's the only way for him to help the city. So until the end of the movie, he should be more than just vengeance. And Robert Pattinson was just amazing in this film, definitely a phenomenal actor. You know what? Zoe Kravitz as Selina Kyle/ Catwoman was brilliant, and she delivers her lines and actions about who she is as a person and what she needs. She, to me, is a perfect Catwoman balance of snarky and intelligent, just like her comic counterpart.

As James Gordon was exceptional, Jeffery Wright, and I love his relationship with Batman, I love the fact that he gets to be front and center from the GCPD and how much he was a leader. I didn't care if he was black; as long as he gave a good performance, I was ok with that. And, of course, Wright did. And Collin Farrell as Ozwald Cobblepot, aka The Penguin, was a perfect choice for this film. I hope we see more of him. But Paul Dano, omg, the most brilliant actor here, and he was so terrifying in this movie playing as the Riddler seriously, I was glued to the screen in every scene he was in. And yet I wanted more scenes from him. Everything here from the Riddler was just captivating, and it just made me have a huge smile on my face.

I enjoy every second of the film. From the score (BRILLIANTLY DONE by Michael Giacchino) along with the cinematography in this film, it's just too perfect. Plus, the ending where Batman becomes a symbol of hope is, in fact, the seal of the deal. I can't stop praising this film enough, and I enjoy every second of it. So please watch this movie, please, go and watch this movie; it is a masterpiece. This film is a 10/10. Because, to me, The Batman is, in fact, a masterpiece.
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