Good Vibes & An All Around Family Film
19 April 2022
When the first Rock Dog came out in 2017, in theaters, it unfortunately was not a box office success. I rented it and reviewed it here...I found it to be wonderful.

I also purchased the DVD and have watched it several times. Now, in the follow up, our young hero from the first film has made it with his music but is dealing with the ups of the business, as well as the downs.

I'll leave you to watch the story. I'll just say, to make a sequel to a film that didn't do well, is a rare thing. They obviously saw something in it to go to the extant of making this direct to video (and streaming) available.

Adults can enjoy the somewhat more mature elements and references and kids can enjoy it for the fun and easy to comprehend story.

This and it's parent film, are both worth the time . (END)
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