another bland cliche
22 April 2022
This is an interesting story with a lot of possible material for exploring but all they could come up with was the typical 'woke' cliche. I.e. A wife coerced and controlled because she had low self-esteem and living in a patriarchal society. We don't want to believe that women can be diabolical, cunning and great liars, particularly when they are mums. Fortunately, the prosecution service saw it differently but not the media who would never let a good story get in the way of the facts. I don't know these people, and I'm not intimately involved in their lives to say if this is all hooey but one thing for certain that they left out at the end. You can't rehabilitate yourself in the eyes of the system without giving up a pound of flesh. That is, it's almost for certain that the crown pressured her to divorce her husband if only to put the world back in right order as they perceive it. Maybe she would have divorced him on her own, who knows, but for certain the crown pressured her in one way or another. Also, most people say they would never, but it's always convenient to blame the other. It's always the optimal strategy especially when you're trying to boost your self-esteem. Probably won't be a sequel but it would be interesting to find out how her husband found himself married again and living in the phillipines but like most of this story, the producers went after the obvious choice cuts and left the tasty bits on the floor.
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