Outlander: I Am Not Alone (2022)
Season 6, Episode 8
A decent and enjoyable slow-burning sixth season, BUT...
2 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Its obvious to me that this series reached its highest level of quality in seasons 1, 2 and 3. I fell in love with this story because of Scotland and Scottish culture. Then I read all the books and even since then I have traveled to Scotland to visit filming locations like Lallybroch. Beside that, there are still a lot of great moments in season 4, 5 and 6. I'm not here to list every one of those moments, I think a lot of viewers have their idea, and I'll be the first to defend thoses seasons and their highlights.

Second, I have to make a statement, that Outlander does something that many other TV shows or movies often don't. I realized this in Season 5 where I discovered that the mood, pacing, and nature of Outlander had changed a lot since the first season. Here's the conclusion: the whole show covers a period of over 32 years (it started in 1743 and we are now in 1775). It's not often that a TV show spans so many years. And, I realized that it was the inescapable reason why the atmosphere had changed so much. Our whole universe of characters has gone through a period of thirty years, which is huge. Our character did evolve and change. So I can admit and agree with those who say the tone and nature of Outlander has changed a lot, but I honestly think the showrunners and the cast and all of these different directors are doing a pretty amazing job of adapting this huge saga of novels, which I have read. And so, I can't stand people saying that Outlander is bad, and they'd give it a zero, or that it's become a dumb show with dumb showrunners, that's not acceptable.

Third, everyone should remember that season 6 was cut short because of the pandemic and for Caitríona Blafe who was pregnant all season. And so, the ultimate climax will happen next season. It's even the first time that Outlander ends a season with such a high and dramatic cliffhanger (which I really appreciate). It's not complete, and things have yet to be worked out, and I'm glad they didn't rush Malva's murder for everyone's curiosity, because that has nothing to do with the quality of the series, on the contrary, it does not omit details and does not hasten to solve the mystery too quickly, at the expense of the quality of the series.

That said, season six was a quiet slow-burning season for me, there were a few highlights like Wendigo Donner in jail, Flora Macdonald's barbecue, Malva's murder, and that explosive episode. But especially the wonderful conversation between Claire and Jamie at the end of the seventh episode. This conversation came to prove that the whole series is brilliant and perfectly connected. Claire explains that she feels guilty for all the pain inflicted on her loved ones since returning to the past, mixed with the trauma of her recent attack. This conversation, these references to previous seasons and these references to all the violence and aggression inflicted on the various protagonists of Outlander, prove that the series does not use violence only as episodic narrative elements. This extreme violence has consequences, repercussions and evolution in the minds of the characters and IT'S BRILLIANT. It's logical and satisfying to hear such words from Claire, especially since that conversation wasn't in the book at all. It even made sense of his weird ether abuse. After that, I'm always surprised by the mean and derogatory comments towards the writers of the series.

Also, I didn't hear about it at all in the reviews for Season 6, but the cinematography and production design are AMAZING. The image quality is excellent, the costumes and sets too, the camera angles and movement are excellent. The framing of the multiple shots is breathtaking and THE strengths are undoubtedly the colors. They're amazing, well-chosen, and perfectly suited to the plot. But again, people have to talk about the fake plastic plants in the garden with a huge screen time of around 90 seconds.

Finally, having read the seventh book, I know it will be a massive and ambitious season to make. But what I do know is that people will be thrilled and I strongly believe they'll get back some of what they loved in the early seasons. Can't wait for it!
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