Hope Lost (2015)
NOT for the faint of heart; accurately mirrors life in these sewers...
11 May 2022
First off, I gotta say: the actresses here are definitely lookers. But you end up feeling for them to a degree... This is definitely, as the movie says, NOT for the faint of heart. Rape scenes, torture, and even the somewhat shocking twists in the middle and near the end of the movie. Suffice it to say, without revealing anything, much of what happens in this world is hard to overcome. There are no bona-fide "heroes" to swoop in and save the day. There are no truly "awful" villains here either; some of the main characters are in between due to their circumstances... I DO have to say that it's not your tragic times turned happy ending you're looking for. The actress playing Sofia definitely pulls off that scared and naive role, until the end. Most of the crude torture and action comes at the action packed last 10 minutes, but there are moments in the film where some other surprises take place.

It's definitely a dark tale, VERY dark. I must say it's hard to watch a lot of this, and it reminds me of Independence Day where you keep waiting for a "miracle," a promise of salvation and it rarely comes... Even the ending won't wrap everything up in a neat little bow for you... Be forewarned...

Overall, it's not a bad movie... Danny Trejo doesn't really have a lot to do here other than act as hired muscle, but it is good to see his character have other traits than "be the tough muscle." The "bad guys" were drugged out and had weird torture/porn/sexual fantasies... It gets twisted folks...
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