Listen Up Ya'll - It's Far Better Than You Are Hearing!
16 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If history can repeat itself, let it do so here. The original 2003 source novel, "The Time Traveler's Wife," by Audrey Niffenegger, was a dazzling and most untraditional novel. Niffenegger told the story of Henry DeTamble, a likable young librarian who, since childhood, involuntarily travels through time at a moments notice. It is also about Clare Abshire, a convivial artist who first meets the time-traveling 28 year old Henry when she is only 7 years old. From there, Henry and Clare's passionate love affair is born where it then endures across an ocean of seemingly endless time. The 2009 film was exceptional. It's a complicated tale to tell, but nevertheless the film was a beautiful expression of Niffenegge's novel.

So while some reviewers are swiftly deciding that this series may not represent an improvement on the film or the novel, isn't it a bit early to judge? From what I viewed tonight, the first episode was very entertaining and fun. And isn't that what many of us want on a quiet Sunday evening? Fun, some drama, but without too much effort?

This HBO series has genuine legs. The writing and acting is convincing, smart, with very nice doses of ironic humor. I mean, how else does one approach a scene where at any moment one of the lead characters (in this case, Henry) literally vanishes, leaving nothing behind but his empty clothes, only to reappear naked in a different time and place? Whoosh! That's complicated.

I'll not say more. You be the judge. But I will say that this series looks fascinating and may develop into some very nice entertainment for anyone who enjoys a dash of science fiction combined with a twist of romance. If I'm wrong I promise I'll return to edit this review. But I hope it is the series I believe it will be.

No spoilers here as always but I will reveal Audrey Niffenegger began work on a sequel to The Time Traveler's Wife in 2013. It is called "The Other Husband," and centers on Clare and Henry's daughter, Alba. As of 2019, Niffenegger said she was still working on it.
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