Really good and touching movie based on a true story.
18 May 2022
Set in Chicago and with some establishing shots but filmed in Canada. It is based on a true story of real people and we see them at the end.

She is in nursing school, has been feeling somewhat puny and tests show she has a liver disease that is at stage four. She needs to find a donor and doesn't have lots of time.

He is just out of the Marines and back home working for a tree nursery. It is nearing Christmas so mainly they are selling Christmas trees. He is naturally a generous person, when he finds out she (a stranger) needs a transplant he gets tested and finds out he is a suitable fit.

So the movie is about their meeting under these difficult circumstances and gradually forming a bond. Being a Hallmark movie something comes in the way, a big issue they have to overcome, but as usual, two minutes before the movie ends, we witness the "Hallmark Kiss."

Good movie, my wife and I both enjoyed it a lot, at home on DVD from our public library. It has been an unusually hot month of May here in Texas, 96 today, so watching a winter movie was a good break.
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