Star Trek: Tomorrow Is Yesterday (1967)
Season 1, Episode 19
Kirk encounters a major problem.
20 May 2022
A time warp whisks The Enterprise back to 1969 where it is spotted by fighter pilot Major Christopher (Roger Perry). Captain Kirk orders the use of the ship's tractor beam to trap the fighter plane, but when the jet starts to disintegrate, the Major is beamed up, which leaves Captain Kirk with another problem: now that the pilot has witnessed advanced technology from the future, there is a chance that he might alter the course of history if he is returned to Earth.

Time-travel stories are always troublesome if you think too long and hard about them, and Tomorrow Is Yesterday is certainly no exception, especially towards the end when the crew of the Enterprise come up with some far-fetched, scientifically implausible plan to try and put everything back in its proper temporal box. Best to ignore the many problematic paradoxial and scientific issues and just enjoy the episode for what it is: a whole lot of time-twisting fun.

The major's surprise at seeing Spock for the first time; the beaming up of a startled airforce-base police sergeant; Kirk's fight with several airforce men; the Enterprise's female computer: this one is entertaining stuff from start to finish, with a sense of humour that suggests that no-one was taking it all that seriously anyway.
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