Informative and comical
24 May 2022
President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle produced this, so I knew that some people were going to immediately start critically judging the show despite the fact is was all based on actual facts. But, we all know how "facts" aren't really facts anymore. Our society is crumbling because of conspiracy theories and apathy.

So I say to try and watch it to learn something about our government without blinding yourself with your own moral philosophies and political ideals. Whether or not you're a Republican or Democrat...knowledge is power.

I think the honesty in the show about how the government has both succeeded and messed up, including during times that Obama was President, says a lot. It's funny, factual and fun to watch. I already knew most of the information in the show, but I still learned a bit and enjoyed the comedy side of it.

It's definitely not for kids because of the cursing. However I think everyone 18+ should watch it to have a better understanding of how our country works. Especially older adults, because a lot of people have sort of lost the information and memories they learned in high school government courses.

Every American should be informed of how our government both works AND fails because the more we know...the more we can try and really change things.

So take your political blinders off for a bit and give the show a chance.
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