We, the viewers, are the last victims of this movie
31 May 2022
Hard Pass on this film if it shows up for free streaming. It's not worth it. - It's not what you hope it will be.

The movie starts as a solid 9 and immediately plummets once Ali Larter's scenes begin. It's not her fault, the script is just awful. By the end of this unbelievably predictable movie we are left with a syrupy scene in which the two remaining characters stand off comparing each other's pain. (Oh please). Ali's character wins on that front too (of course).

The shame of it all is that the rest of the actors in the film were faces & names that you wanted to see. And had the script (and story) been better, they'd have been interesting, gritty, characters to explore. Unfortunately, this film is just the (much over done) "hunted human triumphs over all", regardless of how ridiculous or implausible it is - shtick. (Yawn). There have been 10 of those in the last 5yrs.

Maybe this movie would have worked 30yrs ago. But it often seems, after watching a film like this, that audiences are FAR smarter than Hollywood writers who get away with this junk. People today "know stuff". Information is easy to find and the level of general knowledge is higher. (Please tell me I'm not the only who catches these massive plot holes and mistakes!). Hollywood writers need to level-up. Audiences need to be less accepting.

Anyway.....Why this film has a rating over 3 stars is beyond me. The film is replete with tired tropes that even kids will recognize, since they show up (these days) in teen television shows on the CW & every Marvel movie.

The first glaring question that came to mind once the plot revealed itself was; How does a history teacher from upstate NY suddenly become a survival expert, strong enough to take out an armed man & knowledgeable about firearms? Hollywood. How does a woman who appears ultra high strung, then gets stoned, become a focussed survivalist? How does a woman, so high on peyote that she can barely move or focus, suddenly become skilled enough to over come a cop, steal a cruiser and flee down the road? - Oy

Honestly, Hollywood should stop putting out movies that have guns in them when they don't know a thing about them or how they work. (Truly ironic that they campaign against them but pump out movies to capitalize on their use)

Firstly; Anyone who knows firearms would have dumped that "dud" round out when they were loading the weapon.

Secondly; A dud does not backfire if it discharges. (There would be no spark). It would either fire normally or the primer would fire and the powder would fail (bullet would not go anywhere) Thirdly; Guns only backfire when something is blocking the barrel or chamber.

Fourthly; If a gun backfires, the user seriously injures their hand or face & the gun becomes unusable. - "It done blowed up yer silly!" Lastly; A person with no experience in firearms would not know that you must pull back the hammer for a revolver to shoot the first round.-Somehow this woman did. (Ugh Hollywood).

If none if that is bad enough, consider this; When Ali Larter's character locks the guy in the trailer she is no longer (legally) in any danger from him. He is no longer a threat. Burning him alive was murder. Plain & simple.
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